Monitoring Tools2.4 official Version

Monitoring Tools

Category:ToolSize:24.0MVersion:2.4 official VersionTime:2024-08-21 14:43


Monitoring Tools is a series of open source and commercial software for system monitoring. They are mainly used to monitor the operating status of the system in real time, collect key performance indicators and perform data analysis, thereby helping system administrators and developers optimize system performance and prevent potential problems.


Data collection: Cacti is a graphical tool based on RRDtool, mainly used for network data collection and display. It periodically executes data collection scripts or directly collects SNMP interface output through server-side poll.

Data display: Cacti provides rich graphical display functions. Users can efficiently organize and view historical trend charts of various data collection items through tree-like graph lists.


Data storage: RRDtool is a powerful data processing and graph generation tool that uses a ring database storage format and is designed for time series data. It can efficiently store and retrieve time series data and supports a variety of data compression and sampling algorithms.

Data display: RRDtool's data display function is very powerful, supports the generation of various types of charts, and has high query efficiency.


Data collection: Collectd is an open source data collection system that can collect various types of system and application indicators, such as CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, etc.

Data transmission: Collectd supports multiple data output methods through a plug-in architecture, including storing data in RRD format or CSV format, which is suitable for subsequent analysis and display.


Alarm management: Nagios is an enterprise-level monitoring system that focuses on alarm management. It can monitor hosts and network infrastructure, and send emails or SMS messages to notify relevant personnel in a timely manner when problems occur in the monitored objects.

Plugin extension: The core part of Nagios only provides basic monitoring functions. Users can expand its functions by installing plugins, such as monitoring various network services and host resources.


Lightweight monitoring: Monit is a cross-platform lightweight monitoring tool that is mainly used to monitor the process status, HTTP/TCP status code, server resource changes, etc. of Unix/Linux systems.

Automated operation: According to the monitored changes, Monit can automatically restart the process or service and send email alarms.


Distributed monitoring: Zabbix is ??an enterprise-level open source distributed monitoring solution that provides system monitoring and network monitoring functions through a WEB interface.

Rich in functions: Zabbix is ??easy to manage and configure, supports multi-platform monitoring, and provides powerful data analysis and alarm functions.


Cluster monitoring: Ganglia is an open source distributed monitoring system under a high-performance computing system, suitable for monitoring large server clusters.

Scalability: Ganglia displays the working status of each node through a curve chart, supports custom monitoring items, and is suitable for monitoring system performance.


Real-time monitoring: MonitorTool is an open source real-time monitoring and performance analysis tool, written in Python, using the psutil library to obtain system information, and PyQt5 to build a graphical user interface.

Comprehensive functions: MonitorTool supports real-time data refresh, records historical data and generates charts, and can also set alarm notifications.


Multi-monitor management: MultiMonitorTool is a multi-monitor monitoring management tool that can monitor each monitor and send program windows to other monitors, and can also disable/start monitors, set the main screen, etc.

Practical functions: This tool is especially suitable for users who need to manage windows and programs between multiple monitors.

Official website:None

Package name:org.monitoring.tools

Name:Monitoring Tools


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