Police Detector - Speed Radar3.80

Police Detector - Speed Radar

Category:Map navigationSize:12.9MVersion:3.80Time:2024-09-05 11:03


The Police Detector app is a useful tool designed to help drivers get advance notice of possible police patrol points and speed cameras on the road. With this app, users can not only mark the location of these places, but also see related information marked by other users, so as to better plan their driving routes and avoid unnecessary traffic violation fines. In addition, the app also allows users to report road events such as traffic accidents, road repairs, weighing checks, etc., and ask other users for help when encountering problems.

Software Features

- Location Marking: Allows users to mark the location of speed cameras and police patrol points on the map.

- User Sharing Information: Displays location information marked by other users so that drivers can prepare in advance.

- Incident Reporting: Supports users to report accidents, repairs or other important events on the road.

- Mutual Assistance: If users encounter problems on the road, they can ask other users for help through the app.

Software Benefits

- Improve Driving Safety: Help drivers drive more carefully by warning of potential danger areas or police checkpoints in advance.

- Save Fine Costs: Avoid fines that may be incurred for speeding or other violations.

Police Detector - Speed Radar, Police Detector - Speed Radar

- Community interaction: A mutual assistance community among drivers is established, which increases the interactivity and practicality of the application.

Software highlights

- User-friendly interface: The simple and intuitive operation interface makes it easy for users of all ages to get started.

- Real-time update: Information is updated in real time by users, ensuring the freshness and accuracy of the data.

- Multi-function integration: Not only limited to police detection, but also includes reporting and help functions for various road events, making the application more comprehensive.

Official website:None

Package name:tat.example.ildar.seer

Name:Police Detector


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